
Barke German Pilsner Malt – Weyermann – 55 lb. Sack

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Weyermann Barke Pilsner Malt

Produced from quality heirloom Barke two-row barley. Perfect foundation grist for all lagers. Excellent modification and favorable protein and glucan levels. Excellent lautering properties. Provides finished beer with substantial body and mouthfeel, as well as good foam development and head retention. Very flexible grain with high extract efficiency for reliable lager-making in any brew house, including pub ale systems. Yields optimum results for any process from single-step to multi-step infusion, to decoction. Flavor: intense malt aromas.

Barke is a variety with all-round advantages: In the malt and brew houses, it excels because of its large kernel diameter, good kernel homogeneity, good germination potential, superior diastatic power, excellent extract yield, high apparent attenuation, moderate levels of soluble nitrogen, and low beta-glucan values. In the finished beer, Barke contributes a good body, a rich and deep malt aroma, and a creamy head with good foam stability.

Weyermann Barke Pilsner Malt Characteristics:

Pronounced malt aromas with underlying toffee notes; pleasant, soft mouthfeel.

Weyermann Barke Pilsner Malt is perfect for malt-forward beer styles.

  • Pale Lager; American (Light) Lager, Munich Helles, Festbier, German Leichtbier, Dortmunder Export, Kellerbier (Pale Kellerbier), India Pale Lager
  • Pilsner; German Pilsner, American Pilsener
  • Amber Lager; Franconian Red Beer
  • Strong Lager; Imperial Pilsner
  • Bock; Light Bock, Dark Bock, Light Doppelbock
  • Pale Ale; British Mild, Belgian Blond Ale, Trappist Single, Session Pale Ale, English Summer Ale
  • IPA; Session IPA
  • Amber Ale; Scottish Light, Heavy and Export
  • Strong Ale; British Strong Ale
  • Wheat Beer; Gose

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