
Special B Malt – Dingemans – 55 lb. Sack

Original price was: $119.99.Current price is: $60.00.

Save: 50%

SKU: N23635306 Category:


From the land where brewing takes on a religious devotion. Special B is the darkest of the Belgian caramel malts, and oh how special it is.

It has a unique aroma and flavor that is very complex. It imparts a heavy, dark caramel taste with more subtle notes of burnt sugar, raisin, and dark dried fruits such as cherries and plums. It can also deliver some of the softer roasty notes of a chocolate or black malt but without the astringency or bitterness.

Special B will produce a deep brown color with ruddy highlights and add body and foam stability like all caramel malts.

Use it to brew traditional Belgian Abbey and Trappist Ales, Dubbels and Dark Strong Ales, but also try it in brown ale, stout and porter, doppelbock, or any other dark beer, to add an extra layer of complexity. 120-140L

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